Event Types


A crisis is an economic situation wherein a country experiences a sudden downturn brought on by a financial crisis. Manifested in a significant decline in production, marketing and consumption of goods and services, a crisis is also characterized by high high unemployment, near-bank collapse, and an economic contraction. A crisis also experiences drying up of liquidity and rising or falling prices due to inflation or deflation. It can also take the form of a recession or a depression, with violation of existing production relations and bankruptcy of enterprises.


1920 to 1921 Depresssion
1997 Asia Crisis
2008 Financial Crisis
Great Depression
Tequila Crisis

Mentioned by the Following


International Crisis Group


1929 Crash
1980s Decade
1997 Asia Crisis
2008 Financial Crisis
Dust Bowl Drought
Lehman Bankruptcy
Mortgage Market Collapse

Event Types

International Monetary Crisis


Adam Posen
Aimen Dean
Alberto Gallo
Alex Pollock
Andrew Huszar
Bill Shaw
Christopher Dembik
David Kilcullen
Gillian Tett
Jim Chanos
John Cochrane
John Turner
Kenneth Rogoff
Larry Summers
Laurel Miller
Loretta Napoleoni
Mark Blyth
Matt Stoller
Michael Burry
Nouriel Roubini
Paul Tucker
Pedro da Costa
Randall Kroszner
Robert Wiedemer
Sheila Bair
Simon Potter
Steve Hanke
Tom Burgis
Tony Greer
Tuomas Malinen


A Brief History of Doom
A History of the Federal Reserve, Volume 2, Book 1, 1951-1969
Abnormal Returns
All the Devils Are Here
Benchmarks and Investment Management
Beyond the Keynesian Endpoint
Blood in the Streets
Boom and Bust
Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis?
Code Red
Corporate Financial Distress
Credit Writedowns
Crisis Economics
Crisis Investing
Crisis Investing
Developing an Economics for the Post-Crisis World
Financial Stability
Financial Stability Without Central Banks
Get a Financial Life
How To Make A Fortune During Future Stock Market Crashes With Strategic Stock Accumulation
Iceland's Secret
Investment Management after the Global Financial Crisis
Investment Valuation
Lost Decades
Made in the USA
Manias, Panics, and Crashes
Money Games
More Mortgage Meltdown
Mr. Market Miscalculates
Naked Economics
Narrative Economics
Oil, Dollars, Debt, and Crises
Profit Over People
Quantitative Credit Portfolio Management
Reforming U.S. Financial Markets
Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich
Saving Capitalism From Short Termism
Second Chance
Selling in Tough Times
Strategic Intelligence
Street Fighters
Terrorism and the Economy
The American Jubilee
The Big Drop
The Bill from the China Shop
The Cash Nexus
The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It
The Coming Bond Market Collapse
The Courage to Act
The Curse of Cash
The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis
The Fix
The Great Crash Ahead: Strategies
The Great Depression Ahead: Debt Crisis
The Great Devaluation
The Great Mirror of Folly
The Great Rebalancing
The Great Unraveling
The Last Dollar
The Map and the Territory
The Mr. X Interviews: Volume 2
The Next Decade
The Second Great Contraction
The Strategic Bond Investor
The Trouble with Prosperity
The Volatility Machine
The Wealth Choice
The Zero Interest Trap
Thinking about the Future
This Time Is Different
Too Big to Fail
When Genius Failed


Theory of Reflexivity

Credit Crisis:

  • Begin on the margins - with markets for junk bonds and other high-yield (i.e. high risk) debt freezing first
  • Later spread to other bond markets as investors panic about the future
  • Eventually all borrowing and lending comes to a halt
  • Investors decide to sit on their hands and wait for more certainty and improved market conditions.