
Bill Nelson

Bill Nelson

Formal First Name
William (Bill)

Bill Nelson is Chief Economist and Executive Vice President at the Bank Policy Institute, and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Economics at Georgetown University. Prior to joining BPI, Bill served as Executive Managing Director, Chief Economist, and Head of Research at the Clearing House Association and Chief Economist of the Clearing House Payments Company. He contributed to and oversaw research and analysis to support the advocacy of the Association on behalf of TCH’s owner banks. Previously, he was a Deputy Director at the Division of Monetary Affairs at the Federal Reserve Board, where he was responsible for monetary policy analysis, discount window policy analysis, and financial institution supervision. With extensive experience in monetary and regulatory policy, Bill has published research on a wide range of topics including monetary policy rules, monetary policy communications, and the intersection of monetary policy, lender of last resort policy, financial stability, and bank supervision and regulation.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • At BPI, Bill contributes and oversees research and analysis to support the advocacy of the institute on behalf of the owner banks.

  • He conducts longer-term research on issues related to supervisory and regulatory policy, lender of last resort, and monetary policy.

  • He organizes and participates in academic conferences on issues related to supervisory and regulatory policy.


  • Bill attended Federal Open Market Committee meetings and regularly briefed the Board and FOMC

  • He was a member of the LISCC and the steering committee of the Comprehensive Liquidity Analysis and Review (CLAR).

  • He chaired the CGFS-Markets Committee working group on regulatory change and monetary policy.

  • He joined the Board in 1993 as an economist in the Banking section of Monetary Affairs.

  • In 2004, he was the founding chief of the new Monetary and Financial Stability section of Monetary Affairs.

  • He visited BIS where he was responsible for analyzing responses to the financial crisis and researching the use of forward guidance by central banks. 

  • He returned to the Board in the fall of 2008 where he helped design and manage several of the Federal Reserve’s emergency liquidity facilities.