Chartered in the 18th century, the University of Carolina at Chapel Hill is America’s first public university and one of the world's top research institutions. Considered a public Ivy, UNC is known for its rigorous academics and spirited sports fans. It has one of the highest study-abroad rates of any university in the United States, with almost a third of its undergraduates studying in other countries before graduation.
2020 - 2020
2009 - 2012
2006 - 2010
2007 - 2009
- 2007
2002 - 2005
- 2004
1998 - 2004
1996 - 2000
1996 - 2000
1993 - 1997
1991 - 1996
- 1994
1984 - 1988
1983 - 1987
1981 - 1985
1979 - 1983
1980 - 1982
1978 - 1982
1973 - 1977
1968 - 1972
1967 - 1970
- 1965
- 1955