
Fred Hickey

Fred Hickey

Formal First Name

Fred Hickey is the Editor of The High-Tech Strategist, a widely acclaimed investment newsletter published every month. He essentially began writing the newsletter in 1987 for his friends and family. Five years later, he realized that he could actually make a living out of his investing tips. While his main focus has been on analyzing tech stocks, Hickey has expanded into macro trend analysis as the central banks started intervening in world markets and distorting the price of money.

  • Hickey grew up in Lowell, Massachusetts in the heart of the computing cluster around Route 128.
  • He has been fascinated by technology since his youth.
  • He started working for General Telephone & Electronics right after graduation.
  • Over the course of his career, he has developed an intensive research process focused on the tech sector.
  • He combines a broad knowledge of high tech and telecommunication companies and industry fundamentals with market timing skills in sharing unique insights into the broader economy