

Standpoint is an investment firm that offers a mutual fund with an all-weather investment strategy to U.S. investors. The company manages Standpoint Multi-Asset Fund, an alternative mutual fund, which utilizes an all-weather approach that is designed to produce high risk-adjusted returns in a wide range of economic environments. Standpoint believes using an all-weather investment approach is the most effective way to prepare for a wide range of market environments. Standpoint’s all-weather approach is an asset allocation methodology that diversifies across geographic regions, asset classes, and investment styles. This multi-layered diversification is designed to mitigate risk and provide stable returns to investors.


  • The goal of the Fund is to provide investors with stable returns in a wide range of potential economic conditions.

  • It can be used for traditional equity and bond portfolios.

  • The Fund seeks diversification across geographic regions, independent asset classes, and complementary investment strategies.



  • Capacity to invest in over 75 of the most liquid markets

  • Ability to go long or short certain markets and assets

  • Minimize taxes and trading costs

  • Exposure to markets in over 25 different countries