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OilPrice.com is the most popular energy news site in the world. As the No.1 source for global energy news, the website’s analysis focuses on oil and gas, alternative energy, the resource sector and geopolitics. OilPrice.com provides extensive coverage of all energy sectors—from crude oil and natural gas to solar energy and environmental issues. Their analysis also covers energy, technology, finance and trading, geopolitics, and sector news. The website delivers oil price data, oil price charts, natural gas prices and information on oil blends from all over the world, free for traders, investors, market enthusiasts and energy professionals.


  • Founded in 2009, OilPrice.com has grown to become the largest energy-focused news and analysis platform globally.

  • The website provides news, analysis and commentary on crude oil prices and markets, natural gas, alternative energy, geopolitics, and the energy sector.

  • The website features original reporting and investigative pieces, and is widely cited by major news outlets and financial institutions.

  • They work with the largest names in financial news and provide news and analysis to sites such as CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq, Fortune, TIME Magazine, Huffington Post, USA Today, CNN Money, Business Insider and hundreds of others.


  • Live oil price charts for various crude oil blends and indexes

  • News articles and analysis on various energy topics

  • Investment research focused on the energy sector

  • Videos and podcasts featuring industry experts

  • Interactive tools for comparing oil prices and analyzing trends


  • More targeted visitors to your site/sales page/presentation

  • Reach investors, analysts, fund managers and energy professionals

  • Wider distribution of your press releases and marketing literature

  • More qualified leads for your service/placements/offerings

  • Communicate directly with their readers

  • Work with a trusted brand in the energy and resource industry