
Lone Pine Capital

Founding Date

Lone Pine Capital is a research-driven, fundamental equity investment firm founded in 1997. Since its inception, the firm has been focused on developing a leading investment platform that distills global, cross-sector and thematic research in public or private markets. The firm employs long/short and long-only strategies to invest in equities and equity-related securities based on bottom-up, fundamental analysis. Lone Pine Capital utilizes a unique blend of cross-sectional research, deep diligence, and diverse perspectives to identify high-conviction ideas capable of producing outsized outcomes for their investors.


  • Integrated Investment Team. 

The team contributes to institutional knowledge to evaluate and debate opportunities, trends, and economic conditions across public and private markets.

  • Comprehensive Research. 

The firm integrates numerous factors including qualitative and quantitative, macro and micro, long and short, and public and private.

  • Global Idea Generation. 

Ongoing research works to fuel continuous pursuit of compelling risk-reward opportunities worldwide that meet their rigorous investment criteria.

  • Disciplined Underwriting. 

The firm performs deep fundamental work to evaluate a company’s management caliber, growth potential, unit economics, margin profile, competitive dynamics, and franchise value.

  • Balanced Portfolio Construction. 

Through a concentrated portfolio of best ideas informed by their overall risk framework, the firm focuses on balanced exposure to potential return drivers.


  • Long-Only. 

Targets long-term capital appreciation through multi-industry stock selection and concentration in high-conviction companies that have the ability to outperform global equities over a typical 1-5+ year holding period.

  • Long/Short Equity. 

Pursues a combination of concentrated long positions, consistent with Long-Only, and a diversified portfolio of short ideas to achieve long-term capital appreciation.

  • Growth Equity. 

Seeks to leverage our rigorous research and deep market knowledge to identify and take concentrated positions in private growth-stage (typically Series C-D) companies.