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Distributive revolutionizes the way organizations approach computing. The company aims to provide a platform to allow everyone access to computing resources and use distributed computing to solve tomorrow's greatest challenges. Distributive is the developer of the Distributive Compute Protocol, a hybrid and flexible distributed computing framework that eliminates complicated devOps, cloudOps, containerization, and lift-and-shift efforts. DCP provides a unified analytics engine for big data processing both on-prem and in the cloud, making it a versatile and powerful solution. Distributive is focused on removing barriers to digital transformation by making large-scale computing abundant, accessible and affordable.


  • DCP is a powerful distributed computing platform and ecosystem providing everything from cutting edge scientific research to next-gen commercial solutions.

  • It provides developers with a user-friendly Compute API to express computational jobs.

  • It also provides the DCP Scheduler which automatically matches jobs with compute supply on the network.