
Spend 'Til the End

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Spend 'Til the End: The Revolutionary Guide to Raising Your Living Standard--Today and When You Retire

Easy to read, Spend 'Til the End is packed with practical and often shocking advice on whether to work, how to pick a career, which job to take, where to live, what sort of house to buy, how much to save, when to retire, which kind of retirement account to use, whether to have kids, whether to divorce, when to take Social Security, how fast to spend down your assets in retirement, and how to invest.

Praise for Spend 'Til the End

"Spend 'Til the End uses the revolutionary science of economic life-cycle planning to provide concrete and often surprising answers to the basic financial questions confronting every American. Imagine that: a book that will actually improve your standard of living."

Philip DeMuth, Ph.D., Managing Director, Conservative Wealth Management 

"Even if you're one of those rare individuals who think that you've saved and planned well for your retirement, Spend 'Til the End has news for you. And if you're part of the vast majority who haven't, it may very well save your sorry, retired future."

William J. Bernstein, Co-Founder, Efficient Frontier Advisors