
Vlad Matveev

Vlad Matveev

Formal First Name

A former fund manager, Vlad Matveev is a 50-year-old private investor who lost almost all of his $250,000 investment into the California-based mixed strategy investment firm, Cryptolab Capital. He entered the market in June 2019, hoping for stable returns that never happened. Realizing that his investment remained largely constant, Matveev stated that he wanted to leave the fund in Feb 2020. Regardless of the market situation, Matveev lost 98.5% of his investment after the hedge fund collapsed due to the massive market sell-off in March 2020.

Vlad Matveev was quoted in the Financial Times because in March 2020, his $250,000 investment in California-based Cryptolab Capital dropped 98.5% drawdown before the fund closed its doors.