

Founding Date

Verily is an Alphabet company that combines data-driven, human-centered approach designed to help people live healthier lives. As a life sciences research and engineering organization dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes, Verily is focused on generating and applying evidence from a wide variety of sources to change the way people manage their health and the way healthcare is delivered. The company develops tools and devices to collect, organize and activate health data, creating interventions to prevent and manage diseases. Today, Verily partners with leading life sciences, medical device and government organizations, using deep hardware, software, scientific, and healthcare expertise to enable faster development, meaningful advances, and deployment at scale.


  • Formerly Google Life Sciences, Verily is a research organization devoted to the study of life sciences.

  • Verily develops glucose monitors, smart lenses, bioelectronic medicines, surgical robots, precision medicines and health platforms.

  • Focused on shifting the paradigm from "one size fits all" medicine to one focused on a more comprehensive view of the individual that leads to more personalization.

  • Verily's solutions bring together evidence generation, care delivery and care management in a connected and reinforcing ecosystem.